European Audio Team (EAT) B-Sharp Wins Secrets of High Fidelty Home Theater Best of 2018!

EAT Best of 2018 Turntables

"European Audio Team gives us a look at a new, stylishly designed and well-crafted turntable offering.

Known as the B-Sharp, this model is the most affordable entry in EAT’s lineup and yet, it feels like anything but an entry-level product. It distills many of the significant performance features of the more expensive C-Major turntable and delivers them in a more simplified package...

The EAT B-Sharp turntable is an excellent choice for people who are seriously looking to get into vinyl and are demanding something a bit better than average, without breaking the bank of course. It is a bold and refined design that provides you all the necessities and does away with the superfluous. Its handsome look is eye catching and is sure to be noticed. Its performance is also a step above, with the bundled Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge. This could easily be someone’s first and last turntable as it provides a most suitable foundation for more resolving cartridges should one’s desires and budget grow. Let’s see: it’s good looking, easy to live with, sounds sweet and it won’t put you in the poor house. Sounds like the perfect date. All you need is the wine!"

-Carlo Lo Raso

Read the full review of the B-Sharp from Secrets of High Fidelity and Home Theater

European Audio Team EAT B-Sharp Best Turntable of 2018

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